Thursday, June 7, 2012

I'm not really a jerk, I just play one on the internet now up or will be in a day or two

As I get ready for my first show tomorrow to sell these posters I've been producing, I can't help but think of how much work its been, and how much money I spent, and how tired I am of the whole thing.  Hopefully they sell.  I think I just over-prepared honestly.  Its this thing I do.  But mostly it worked out badly to end up with 3 all day shows in a row as my first experience.  I would have much preferred a small trial run ahead of this weekend.  But I will just have to grit my teeth and be charming for 36 total hours, and if I can't sell anything in that amount of time to this number of people, I will know pretty quickly something is wrong with my business model, and at least that is something.

It was fun to at least try giving a go to something.  I recommend that at least.  Even failing, if I do, at least it was failing with my own idea, my own money, my own time and effort and creativity.  That's infinitely better for a soul than getting rejected from countless interviews or sitting at a computer for a company you are not involved with at all.  So I say everyone should try a hand at being an entrepenuer at least once.  It will embiggen and nobilify your soul.  Apparently nobilify is a word by the way, as spell checker did not just light up as I typed it. Just start your venture a year before you want to, and do a little at a time.  Read a book about tax code, or visit craft festivals and see what others are doing.  Research the thing, and give it a slow burn.  Then you won't get overwhelmed.  And I think once my show starts, I will be excited again, because in the slow moments (if there are those), I can read and do some art cells, and have fun with it. 

I wound up with 12 posters and will do more this fall.  I have 3 full series of 3 posters each and some stand-alones.  I figured out how to tote around panoramas without damaging them, found frames, displays, and all that for everything, produced only art that I feel is up to high standard, and hopefully will not forget to bring anything tomorrow.  Of course, I'm doing it all alone, which is less fun.  Have a partner, and that might go better.  I have the kind of partner who routinely promises to help and then doesn't, which is worse than no partner at all.  But I knew that ahead of time and so was not caught off-guard.  But I don't know why some of these folks out there who can't find work "in this economy" don't just start their own thing.  That seems to me like it would be more impressive than having filled a chair for 30 years somewhere before being told not to fill it anymore the past 2.

Apparently I am a rotten writer too, as no one follows this thing, though I do have some page views.  Perhaps people don't like to be offended anymore, or they can get annoyed much more efficiently by following things like Twitter.  Blogs are not tomorrow's baby anymore, but yesterday's Baby Jane.  Which is fine by me, because maybe it means I can give this up soon.  Though I suppose, if one likes the essays of Montaigne, one is almost duty-bound to blog.  Only the technology is different.

I have a website up now too.  The, and I am adding photos whenever I get a minute, though it is a time-consuming uploader.  So check back and you will be able to make orders there if you wish too.

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